WAW 2023, 4th Edition
November 27 to December 1, 2023

WAW 2023, 4th Edition
November 27 to December 1, 2023

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Conference Opening Speech

Meg Kinnear is the Secretary-General of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).    She worked as Senior General Counsel (2006-2009) and Director General of the Trade Law Bureau of Canada (1999-2006). Prior to this, Ms. Kinnear also worked as the Executive Assistant to the Deputy Minister of Justice of Canada (1996-1999) and […]

Washington, DC as a Place of Arbitration

WAW’s panel on Washington D.C as a place for arbitration will address the advantages and disadvantages of having Washington D.C. as a seat for international arbitration. It will go further by discussing whether it is even necessary to define a place where hearings take place given today’s virtual dynamics, and the issues on enforcement and […]

How to Run a Seamless, Efficient and Innovative International Arbitration: The Essential Role of Arbitration Specialists, Paralegals and Legal Assistants in International Arbitration (Hybrid Event)

This panel will be hosted by Allen & Overy WAW’s panel on the role of Arbitration Specialists, Paralegals and Legal Assistants in International Arbitration will discuss their dynamic and evolving responsibilities considering the post-COVID-19 environment. The transition towards hybrid models combining virtual hearings and occasional in-person meetings has led to the development of new skills […]

Evidence in International Arbitration: The Latest Developments

WAW’s panel on the latest developments on evidence in international arbitration will highlight the new developments of evidentiary matters on international arbitration, showing how this field has evolved. Particularly, it will focus on the latest changes in the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration and will discuss the Prague Rules on […]

COVID Impact on Infrastructure Projects and International Disputes: Update

WAW’s panel on the Impact of COVID-19 on Infrastructure Projects and International disputes will discuss the expected growth of international arbitration disputes due to the pandemic. The panel will revolve around the challenges imposed by COVID in respect to international arbitrations and will focus on the following matters:  Has there actually been a wave of […]

Concrete ISDS Reform Options: Investor-State Adjudication: A Court or an Appeals Mechanism?

Our Panel on reforms of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system will discuss the reforms that have been proposed at ICSID and UNCITRAL’s Working Group III, the efforts by the major institutions to reform their rules, the impact that they could have on the ISDS system, and whether the reform proposals—especially whether the adjudication body […]

Pairs of Practitioners: Affecting the Pipeline and Paving the Way – Panel in Collaboration with ArbitralWomen (Hybrid Event)

This panel will be hosted by Crowell & Moring Washington Arbitration Week (WAW) 2021, in collaboration with ArbitralWomen, this panel will hear from three pairs of practitioners - a senior and established leader who has worked closely with and paved the way for an up-and-coming rising star in the field.  The panel will begin with […]

Investment Treaty Arbitration in the Digital Era: Using BITs to protect Cryptocurrency Investments?

WAW’s panel on Investment Treaty Arbitration in the Digital Era: Using BITs to protect cryptocurrency investments will address today’s economy becoming a digital economy and how it could impact BITs initially designed for physical investments. This panel will focus on the following issues: Could BITs apply to these new digital assets? Could cryptocurrencies be qualified […]

Ethics and International Arbitration: Is it Time for an International Code of Ethics?

WAW’S panel on ethics and international arbitration will center its discussion on whether it is necessary to regulate the ethical conduct of arbitrators, counsel, and experts in international arbitration to enhance the legitimacy of the arbitral process. The panelists will consider the following issues: Is the formation of an international regulatory body and a set […]

Role of the 1982 World Bank Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment in the Valuation of Going Concerns and Non-Going Concerns

This WAW panel will explore the role of the 1982 World Bank Guidelines in the valuation of entities that are “going concerns” and others that do not qualify as such. Tribunals frequently utilize the income approach by applying the discounted cash flow (DCF) methodology to going concerns, as defined in the Guidelines. As almost four […]

Is the EU a Recalcitrant Entity? The Case of Domestic and Regional Judicial Decisions Non-Compliant with Investment Awards

This WAW panel will discuss non-compliance with investor-State arbitration awards, and the challenges to enforce those awards against recalcitrant. It will discuss the recently reaffirmed position of the European Union and the European Union Court of Justice where intra-EU investor-State arbitration—whether on the basis of a BIT or the Energy Charter Treaty—seems to be no […]

What Can Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights Assessments Teach to International Arbitration? 

WAW’s panel on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Human Rights Assessments will discuss how due diligence in these areas can contribute to international arbitration. The panel will consider the increasing number of CSR related clauses in international investment treaties and national legislation, and the implications of making those assessments mandatory for multinational companies and foreign […]

Land and Seabed Mining in International Commercial and Investment Arbitration

The mining sector is an important driver of Africa’s and Latin America’s economic growth, citing the GAR Guide to Mining Arbitrations “mining is booming - and with-it mining disputes”.   Whilst most mining projects are land-based, new sources of metal supplies are being explored due to the decline of land-based deposits. With new developments in the […]

Match Making: How to Find Your Third-Party Funder in International Commercial Arbitration? – TPF Across Industries, Types of Funders, Big and Small Claims, and Means to Fund Them

This WAW panel, which will feature counsel who have used TPF funding in the past, clients, and funders, will explain the TPF process to achieve funding in international commercial arbitration, and any common standard procedures that counsel and client may follow to maximize the possibility of receiving an offer of financing in an efficient manner […]

Foreign Investment Laws – A Renewed Basis for Consent to International Investment Arbitration? A Look at Recent Developments

This WAW panel will focus on how unilateral acts have emerged as a source of international law. It will also analyze how an investment law may constitute a basis for consent to investor-State arbitration, and how, notwithstanding this possibility, and the practice of non-treaty and non-contract cases. In particular, this panel will discuss:  The most […]

Washington, DC as a Leader in Educating Our Next Generation of Arbitration Practitioners

This WAW panel will examine the benefits of advanced degrees in Washington D.C. in the practice of international arbitration and the key role that our programs play in building expertise, and reinforcing the increasing international nature of commerce and cross-cultural awareness. This panel will be particularly useful for young attorneys looking to expand their experience […]

High Political Risk in Investment Arbitration: The Case Study of Venezuela

This WAW panel will provide a deep understanding of the impact of the new era of Interim President Juan Guaidó on investment arbitration and dispute resolution, especially as the Maduro regime regains space. As a significant portion of BIT claims against Venezuela still remain before ICSID, claims favorable to foreign investors against Venezuela may still […]

Human Rights and Investment Arbitration

December 4th At 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

States’ Claims and Counterclaims in Investment Arbitration

December 4th At 9:00 am - 10:30 am EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Infrastructure Disputes in International Arbitration

December 3th At 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

The Rise of Technology in International Arbitration – Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Hearings

December 3th At 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Perspectives of Young Arbitration Practitioners

December 3th At 9:00 am - 10:30 am EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

International Commercial Arbitration from the Client’s Perspective

December 2nd At 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Fossil Fuel, Clean Energy and the Environment in International Arbitration

December 2nd At 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

EU Investment Arbitration: Current Issues Regarding the Validity and Enforcement of Awards Even Beyond the EU

December 2nd At 9:00 am - 10:30 am EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Draft Guidelines on States’ Defenses and Prevention of Investment Arbitration

December 1st At 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Alternative Approaches to Valuing Early Stage Investments in Investor-State Arbitration

December 1st At 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Reform of ISDS – The ICSID Rules Amendments and UNCITRAL Working Group III

December 1st At 9:30 am - 11:00 am EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Keynote Speaker: Meg Kinnear, ICSID Secretary-General

December 1st At 9:00 am - 9:30 am EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Third-Party Funding: Developments, Pitfalls and Looking to the Future

November 30 At 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

COVID-19 and International Arbitration

November 30th At 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here

Women in International Arbitration

November 30th At 9:00 am - 10:30 am EST

For further information download WAW’s Brochure here